CASW/BMS Scholarship Fund

  • In order to be considered for a scholarship, an applicant must be a registered member of SASW in good standing or a student member.
  • A scholarship will not be given to the same person twice within a five-year period.
  • Priority will be given to SASW members who can demonstrate that they have limited access to continuing education opportunities within their region or field of practice and who are unable to receive sufficient financial support from their employer.
  • Priority will be given to SASW members who have supported SASW through volunteer activities within the past five years.
  • Applications will be reviewed with consideration for activities that advance social justice or assist in meeting community needs.
  • No single scholarship shall be for an amount higher than$1000.
  • Award winners will submit a short article for the SASW newsletter describing the learning they attended.


  • Applications will be submitted to the SASW office and must include a copy of the brochure for the planned activity;
  • The SASW Awards Committee has the right to make decisions regarding scholarship applications. If a member of the committee has knowledge of an applicant that member shall recuse him/herself from discussion or decision making related to that application.
  • The committee may review applications electronically.
  • Once the available funds have been expended each year a notice will be posted on the SASW website informing members that no more funds are available.

Application Form